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Customer Assistance Programs

Do you need help paying your York Water bill?

These programs are available to assist you if you need financial help. Select a program from the list below or scroll down to learn more about each customer assistance program.

Payment Agreements

If you have a past-due bill, you may be eligible for a payment agreement. Please contact York Water’s Customer Service team at 717-845-3601 to find out if you are eligible. We will ask you a few questions. If you are eligible for the program, we will explain the terms of your payment agreement.

Customer Assistance Program (CAP)

What is it?

Our Customer Assistance Program (CAP) is for low-income customers who have past-due bills. It is an alternative to traditional collection methods. The program does the following:

  • Makes payments practical by offering a payment agreement
  • Reduces excessive water usage
  • May provide forgiveness of past due amounts up to $120 after receipt of monthly payments

Who may apply?

  • Customers who have past due bills that are more than $100 over a period of five (5) consecutive months.
  • Customers experiencing a leak that is causing excessive water usage.

If you qualify….

  • York Water personnel may need to perform a water usage audit and an on-site visit(s) to verify the existence of a leak. If a leak is found, York Water may enlist a local plumber to make minor repairs at no cost to you.

Call or email The York Water Company Customer Service team at 717-845-3601 or for more information and to apply for the Customer Assistance Program.

York Water Cares (YWC)

UPDATE: Due to customer demand, effective March 13, 2025, applications for the 2025 York Water Cares (YWC) program have been paused. Please contact our Customer Service team at 717-845-3601 or to learn more and discuss other options that may be available to you.


The York Water Company has been helping customers with their service bills and plumbing concerns since 2005. Our York Water Cares (YWC) program provides limited funding to customers who need help paying their York Water Company bills. Funds are payable to customers through community agencies.

This program is designed to help low-income customers, but it may be helpful to customers who have a short-term challenge and need assistance to pay their water or wastewater bill.

YWC is only available one time per year for a customer who qualifies for the program.

Who can apply?

To apply you must be all of the following:

  • A residential customer of York Water Company
  • Unable to pay your full York Water bill
  • At risk of a water shut off due to non-payment

How do I apply?

If you meet the requirements for who can apply, please complete the following:

  1. Contact the York Water Customer Service team at 717-845-3601 or email Ask about our York Water Cares program. We will let you know if an area agency is participating and if they have funds available.
  2. Contact the agency and set up an appointment. They may want you to bring a current York Water bill or shut-off notice and proof of income for the last two months.

The agency will review your payment history, proof of income, and how much you owe on your York Water bill. The agency may also discuss water-saving tips and other ways to reduce future water bills.

You must prove to the agency that you have paid or can pay 25% of the past due amount owed.

What happens if I am approved for funding?

If the agency approves your funding, and if funds are available, it may make a contribution of up to $200 to your past-due amount.

The agency will notify The York Water Company if they choose to make a payment. When we are notified, we will pause any shut-off process. The agency will send the funds it is contributing to your past due amount to The York Water Company directly.

Will this pay my whole bill?

Probably not. You will have to show the agency that you can pay or have paid 25% of the past due amount. Once you have done that, the agency may be able to pay up to $200 towards your past due water bill.

Are funds always available?

No, an agency may run out of assistance funds. If they do, The York Water Company can check to see if another agency has any funds remaining and available.

The Pennsylvania Homeowner Assistance Fund (PAHAF)


The Pennsylvania Homeowner Assistance Fund (PAHAF) is for homeowners with financial hardship caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This fund is managed by the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency.

Effective March 18, 2024, this assistance fund was reopened for new applications. PAHAF has provided reopening FAQs for applicants which can be found here.

How do I apply?

Visit for more information and program application.

What do I do after I apply?

You may email or call the York Water Customer Service team at 717-845-3601 or email to inform us that you have submitted a PAHAF application. Please note, York Water will await confirmation of approved funds from the PAHAF program provider.

Local Assistance

You may seek assistance from local organizations. Some churches, community organizations, and others may be able to assist with your past due York Water bill.