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Buy YORW Stock

YORW Currently Trading on NASDAQ

Buy YORW Stock. (This link will open in a new tab.)

In our 209 years, we’ve never missed a dividend. We have focused on making responsible investments in our infrastructure so we can:

  • Deliver dependable, high-quality services to our customers
  • Provide stable rates for our customers
  • Empower our employees to achieve their highest standards of performance
  • Earn a fair return for our shareholders

We’re a dependable and strategic investment.

York Water has been called “the greatest dividend stock of all time” by The Motley Fool  based on our consecutive dividend payments, the fact that our dividends have increased for the past 28 years, and the stability of our water and wastewater services.

Do you have questions? Contact us or read our Investor FAQs.

You can buy YORW stock
directly from our transfer agent, Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions, Inc.
Buy YORW stock.

In 2001, we began trading on NASDAQ under the symbol YORW. Our commitments to innovation and sustainability have driven consistent operational performance and growth across a growing service territory.

York Water is located in south-central Pennsylvania, 40 miles north of Baltimore, Maryland. We serve an estimated population of over 210,000 through approximately 79,000 service water and wastewater connections. Our service territory has expanded into 57 municipalities in York, Adams, Franklin, and Lancaster Counties.

A map of York Water Company's service territory. It includes portions of Franklin, Adams, York, and Lancaster Counties. Both water and wastewater service territories are shown.

Investor FAQs

The York Water Company common stock is traded on the NASDAQ stock exchange under the trading symbol YORW.


The York Water Company’s transfer agent is Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions, Inc.

Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions, Inc.
P.O. Box 1342
Brentwood, NY 11717

Toll free telephone: (844) 317-3311

The York Water Company offers a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP) and Direct Stock Purchase Plan (DSPP).

These plans allow shareholders to reinvest cash dividends and purchase additional shares of YORW without any brokerage commissions or additional charges.

You can find details about these plans here.

Address Changes, Legal Transfer Forms & Account Information

York Water’s investor relations administrator, Molly Houck can assist with general York Water stock information, such as address changes, Legal Transfer Forms, and account information.

Molly Houck
(717) 718-2942

Sales, Purchases & Password Resets

Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions can assist shareholders with sales, purchases, password resets, etc.

Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions, Inc.
P.O. Box 1342
Brentwood, NY 11717

Toll free telephone: (844) 317-3311 (toll free)

Self-help Options

The Broadridge Shareholder portal can be utilized for self-help options for sales, purchases, dividend elections, etc.

Access the portal here.

You can find York Water’s most recent Annual Report, 10-K, and Proxy Statement on our Annual Meeting page here.

If you would like to find past annual reports, you can view annual reports from 2007 to the most recent report on our Annual Reports page here.

York Water holds its Annual Meeting on the first Monday in May, in-person at the Appell Center for the Performing Arts in York, Pennsylvania.

Appell Center for the Performing Arts
50 North George Street
York, PA 17401